Try to Scratch Past the Surface
I am a Libertarian.
Winston Chruchill once said, "If you're not a Liberal when you're 18, then you've got no heart; if you're not a Conservative by the time you're 30, then you've got no brain." I find myself constantly amazed at the grown (and by all indications, intelligent) people who subscribe to the fantasies of the modern liberals. They wonder why we can't all just get along. They wring their hands at global warming. They curse the evils of Capitalism. They spit on the Western Culture of the Enlightenment that allows them to freely spout their ignorant drivel and continue to be allowed in our society.
I'm sure I sound extreme here...please understand that I am equally distainful of the far right and their moral aggrandizement. This post, however, is about the naivete of the far left.
I just read an interesting article regarding conservation of endangered species and the possibility that some of the mega-fauna of Africa might be relocated to the United States as a way of saving endangered species. Odd that the same culture that is being blamed with destroying the earth is seen as a last hope for many of the great creatures of our world.
Let me say this to those who would believe we might go back to living in a ain't gonna happen...if you believe we can turn back time, forget it. We all need to find another way. The world will not support 4 Billion people burning wood for heat and living as hunter gatherers. It is very romantic to think we can fix our problems by going back. Unfortunately, the path we must take is the path of the unknown. We need to answer the problems before us with our intellect...there are too many people to support the way we once lived.
One more thing... I pray every day that we could get along. I believe that won't happen in this world. There is evil out there and there are evil people out there. You can try to get along all you want...they will KILL you. When I see evil, I will fight it with all my might. I can admire pacifism. I just hope the Pacifists admire the soldiers that are protecting them from those who would slit their throats as they turn the other cheek.
Love! Norm.