Thursday, March 01, 2007

Go West Young Man...

This post was written in March…

I guess we all have our own bias about the culture we were raised in.

I am working in Portugal and it occurs to me time passes us by very quickly, both as individuals and as a culture. Lisbon is a beautiful city, with great food and wonderful weather. There is much here to appeal to almost anyone and things look very good for Portugal right now, but her glory is 500 years past. The days when Portugal led the world with her voyages of discovery are long gone. I guess that having visited here, I really don’t see that as such a bad thing.

America is generally accepted as the single superpower in the world, but I can hear the footsteps behind us. I do a lot of work in China and India and I just can’t see how we are going to keep our edge when the talented people from these countries really come into their own. My generation was supported (and spoiled) by the work of our parents, who lived through the Great Depression and saved the world in WWII. I look at my children (and their friends) and realize that they are even less likely to work hard (and have even higher expectations) than my generation had. A society can only coast for so long; then those that are hungrier and willing to work harder overtake it. I worry about my children’s future, but I also wonder at the game itself.

The first thing that comes to me is that the “doers” in this world are generally born of pain and suffering. I believe that as a society gets “rich”, its citizens lose the edge that propelled them. For many, this means a lowering of their living standards (and maybe the hard times that will drive another cycle). For others, the change seems less extreme…I have seen people in countries that have lost their edge and they live very good lives (France, Italy, England), but I have also seen where the standard of living has taken a deep hit and there is a lot of suffering. I ask myself if suffering is a necessary aspect of success (and if success is worth it). I haven’t seen a good balance yet…

I have had a very good life and can’t help but be thankful for all that I have been given. I don’t count on these things always being here and don’t really believe that the material things in my life have that great a hold on me (I know this is easy to say when you’re not hungry). My European friends tell me that Americans “…kill yourselves working to buy junk that you don’t need and you lock yourselves away with your junk and don’t have relationships.” Well, that’s a gross generalization, but I guess I see the point.

I’m giving my kids as good a start as I can and wish them the best. I hope they get through their lives without too much pain and suffering, but I have no way of guaranteeing this…any more than I can guarantee that I will always live as comfortably as I do now.

I guess if our time as the world-leader (economically) is coming to an end I really won’t miss it much. My goal is to simplify. “Stuff” doesn’t seem that important to me and I really regret that I did not have more time with the people who are most important to me. I am going to work on that…

I have been especially blessed that I have seen much of this world. It’s the people that make it worthwhile! Well…OK, it’s the people and the food. I thank anyone reading this for giving me a piece of your time and attention. I hope to meet you…to share a cup of coffee and a long talk, and to let you know that you are important to me and that I appreciate your company and friendship.

I could be very happy in Lisbon (and I wouldn’t look back to the glorious past, but would enjoy the beauty of Lisbon TODAY).

Best! Norm.


At 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the fourth time to read this post and I am still thinking and wondering.
Hope you and your kids live a great life without any sufferings or pain.

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