Tuesday, September 06, 2005

This World has Teeth

I am reminded of a wonderful book by Stephen King about a 9 year old girl who gets lost in the woods of Maine. King states that the experience showed the girl that, "this world had teeth and that it would bite you"...

A most of you have, I have been watching the devastation in New Orleans. I have seen the lives ripped apart by the disaster and the extent to which society in that city has collapsed. I always loved New Orleans. I used to go there on weekends when I was in college in Florida. It was always a good trip and a great time! I don't know what New Orleans will be after this disaster, but it can never go home again...any more than we can in this world.

We hear a lot at these times about God...how could God let this happen!...God is punishing us for this or that!...Where is God for these people?

There are so many people that view God as some kind of crutch...a benevolent parent that should protect and care for us... God is in your heart (if he isn't, then you are part of the problem). The God that exists for those in the disaster is the God that comes to them in the hands of those who help. WE are the only God in this world.

The God of light and truth is not physical or material. This world is a lie that we must overcome to rejoin with God and ourselves. The love that exists here is brought by us. The world itself is malevolent...it has teeth and it will bite you. It is easy to look for something outside ourselves to come to the rescue...to save us. How much harder to understand that we have only each other, especially when you realize that there are also people that have teeth and will bite you. Those of us who are of-the-light, who have the spark of love within us, must let it shine here to ease the pain of those who are wounded in this world.

There was an old Doobie Brothers song where Michael McDonald took the role of God and the Chorus represented us here on earth. McDonald states, "they have to find their way from here..." We are on a path home, but no one will show us the way. If we sit and wait for help, we are lost. Please get up and walk with me. If you see someone lost beside the trail, offer a hand and we'll all walk together. No one else will help us, but we can help each other. We are all of the same soul and we belong to each other...

If you don't believe any of that, just do it for the good Karma.

Love! Norm.


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