Friday, March 03, 2006


Failure…this is something that seems to scare us above all else.

I walk the fields of Waterloo and I think about endings and I think about failure. Napoleon’s domination of Europe ended here. Ultimately, Waterloo became Napoleon’s swan song as he was exiled to St. Helena and ultimately killed there. Napoleon had encountered failure before. He had actually experienced failures that many thought would end his career long before Waterloo, but he overcame them and was perhaps stronger from them. This failure was different and there was no doubt when this battle ended that the Emperor would not be left standing.

I think what really scares us is that we never know which failure will be the one that tips the balance against us. Every one tells us that our failures teach us much more than our successes. I would agree with this, but I’d also say that it’s a pretty expensive school to go to and that there are those around us who may not wait for our graduation.

Yes…learn from your failures.

Yes…failure will make you a more mature and empathetic person

Yes…do not let your failures affect your outlook or your enthusiasm

I will give you this warning though….Learn fast because this world has teeth and if you fall down too many times…you’re bound to get eaten! Wouldn’t it be nice to know which one is just a bump in the road and which one is your Waterloo?! I guess its not knowing this that really scares us about failure.

Best! Norm.


At 6:53 AM, Blogger Nesrina said...

First of all, I have to tell you how happy I am you wrote after this time.
Secondly I wrote yesterday a post that wasn't about failure but here is what I said ...
" I am just a disciplined person who doesn't permit herself to fail. And for that I missed all these learning experienced that I could have leaned from failing and screwing up, not to mention the pressure to keep things steady or the fear of letting go of the daily stable routine and go and give my dreams a shot."
And today I came and checked your blog to find this comprehensive amazing post about failure...
Yes failure is scary as no one knows if it's just a bump in the road or it's waterloo!


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